By John DeSantis / The Daily Comet

RACELAND -- In nine years as groundskeeper at St. Charles Borromeo Church, Kyle Schexnaydre has seen coyotes, deer and lots of other wildlife lurking nearby.

A week ago Friday was the first time he ever saw a bear, near the church cemetery.

Garield Billiot Sr. recounts the experience of seeing a black bear last week outside of his home in Raceland.

"At first when I saw it walking out in the cane field I thought what the hell is that? It was too big to be a coyote and I thought that’s a damn bear,’" the 43-year-old Schexnaydre said. "I think he caught wind of me and then he headed down the rows of cane." Schexnaydre wasn’t the only person in the St. Charles community just outside of Raceland to see the critter.


Billiot and his neighbors said they kind of like the idea that a bear came to visit.

"Now when I take my walk they tease me, they call him my pet," Billiot said. "I am very glad to tell you the truth. In a way if them black bears could keep the coyotes away I’d rather have the bears."

Louisiana Black Bears- Southeast Louisiana Louisiana Black Bears- Southeast Louisiana Louisiana Black Bears- Southeast Louisiana

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