A Trip to the Shore
10 years ago
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Query Tracker - Free Literary Agent Query Tracking Tool:
Welcome to the grand opening of Query Tracker
A Free service which allows authors to find agents and track the status of their query submissions.
Then the real power of this website hit me. With all this information, and with enough users on the site and contributing, we could take a lot of the guess work out of query writing. What if you could see samples of the last ten queries which a given agent had read and liked? What if every user posted his or her query letters, then linked them to the agent where they were sent and indicated what response, if any, the letter received? With this information it would be possible to see the types of queries the agent liked, and either modify your letter accordingly, or move on to a different agent who has shown interest in work like yours. Now, I felt I was on to something. I hadn’t been this excited since the first time I wrote, “The End.”
Labels: agents, authors, book marketing, books, free, online tool, queries
Editor said...
thank you for the link and the mybloglog add. I am not sure where to link with you but am following both blogs. good luck
May 20, 2007 at 7:25 PM
Patrick said...
Hi Rene
This is Patrick, maker of Query Tracker. Thank you for the great review. I am creating a 'testimonial' page and would like permission to quote you and include a link to your blog.
Thanks again
May 24, 2007 at 9:58 AM