A Trip to the Shore
10 years ago
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"Great communicators know that the best way to inspire, motivate, and persuade others is to infuse a human element into discussions through the simple telling of stories, according to Annette Simmons.
Stories help people feel acknowledged, connected, and less alone. Your stories help them feel more alive. To realize the power of stories is both an incredible opportunity and an awesome responsibility. Filled with enlightening anecdotes and practical guidance, Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins helps you to understand and use that power. You will be able to craft your own personal experiences into stories that will build consensus, win others over to your point of view, and enable better group decision making."
In this ocean of choice, a meaningful story can feel like a life preserver that tethers us to something safe and important—at the very least, to a trace of humanity that proves there is a "you" communicating with them, whether the "you" is yourself or an organization you represent.
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May 11, 2007 at 5:23 AM